Team Member Spotlight – Ralph

Ralph joined our BAT family with a drive and determination that remains unmatched to this day. He came in on fire, ready to learn, ready to grow, ready to conquer . . . and he’s done just that! In his first three months of employment he quickly made his mark and moved in to a leadership role while he continued to learn the industry and the BAT way. After 4.5 years he took over his current role as our Operations Manager, and continues to work side by side with the other members of the executive team to pave the way for all future BATs. Setting the standard, teaching the team, and going to battle every day to ensure our Carriers, Customers, and Team Members are successful. Ralph’s commitment to BAT is untouchable and through all the years he remains a constant source of guidance, sarcasm, and dependability. We are beyond blessed to have Ralph helping to create the future of BAT and we know as long as we follow, there will be a lot of hard work, good times, and even more giggles along the way. Thanks for being such an important part of our family Ralph!