When you think of someone who will strive to learn, grow, work hard, make you laugh, and not take an opportunity for granted, you are probably thinking of Mr. Mike “Breezy” B. Four years ago he walked through the doors straight out of the warehouse and ready to see what transportation was all about . . . today he proudly represents BAT with a level of hard work and confidence that radiates brighter than any forklift light could ever shine. He has taken his time here at BAT to learn just about every role to ensure he can provide the best level of service to all of our customers and carriers. He shares his knowledge with the team, and takes pride in his understanding of the industry and our work. Mike will make sure you never go without the most perfectly timed movie quote, a glimpse of his swagger walk, a giggle because someone stinks (not literally), or a great contribution to a theme day. We are so grateful for the commitment to BAT that Mike has and how he strives to be better year over year. Thanks for being such a strong member of our team Mike, we can’t wait to see what the next four years has in store!